Keva ImmunoRich contains colostrum that has been used for its natural medicinal benefits much longer than modern medicines. We all know Colostrum is a necessary when we are first born to ensure healthy survival, replenishing our health & body’s natural state. Taking colostrum periodically throughout our lives can provide us with similar benefits that we first received.
Colostrum benefits the body by increasing functions, healing and immune system. It also makes sense that colostrum would help the body remove fat deposits and other negative materials that collect in our bodies like heavy metals, toxins, etc. The reason our bodies accumulate these toxins in the first place is because of our body’s inability to remove it fast enough. As our bodies process and eliminate material from our system, sometimes these materials accumulate faster than can be processed and removed, so our bodies set it aside to be dealt with later. If these materials our not processed they can cause disease, sickness, obesity, etc.
So by giving our bodies colostrum supplements, we can improve the overall function and normal healthy state.