Grape Seed Drops

MRP - Rs.949 Packing - 30 ml (500 Drops)

Grape Seed Drops 
MRP - Rs.949
Packing - 30 ml (500 Drops)

Keva Grape Seed Drops is an herbal produc and is manufactured under GMP guidelines. Grape Seed Extract is a potent holistic extract from premium grapes..

Scientists have found that the grape seed has the most concentrated form of health benefits from the grape. From the scientific studies it was found that it may be used to treat a range of health problems related to free radical damage, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Nutritional value:

  • Grape seeds are rich in Flavonoids (proanthocyanidins)
  • Minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium
  • Vitamins A, C, B6
  • Folic acid

Ingredients :

Grape Seed Extract (Vitis Vinifera) & Vegetable Glycerin

(95% Polyphenols)

Health Benefits of Different Nutrients:


  •  It also increase intracellular vitamin C levels and strengthen capillaries and thus improve blood oxygen circulation throughout the body. These antioxidants also act to protect soft tissue collagen in the joints and skin from free radical damage and premature aging.  
  •  It can potentially protect the blood vessels from becoming damaged, which may prevent high blood pressure due to its antioxidant action.
  • The Vitamin B content of Grape seed extract can promote healthy nervous system, proper digestion and is a great source of energy
  • It contains selenium which is beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiac problems and hepatic degradation. High level of selenium in your blood is also instrumental in reducing the risk of lung and skin cancers
  • Folate or folic acid found in Grape seed extract helps in the regeneration of cells
  • Magnesium is concerned with preventing muscle cramps
  • Grape seed extract acts as an antioxidant as it is rich in Vitamin C which may help in neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells and the immune system
  • It contains calcium which has a beneficial effect on bone formation and bone strength, can be used for the treatment of bone debility caused by a low level of calcium
  • Studies have found that some compounds in grape seed extract may be effective in relieving symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency and reducing edema after an injury or surgery
  • Small randomized trials have found beneficial effects of grape seed extract for diabetic retinopathy (an eye problem caused by diabetes) and for vascular fragility (weakness in small blood)

Storage Condition :

Keep lid tightly closed once you open the container. Keep in cool, dry place and away from sunlight.

How to Use 

Take 10 drops of morning and 10 drops of evening on an empty stomach or half an hour before meal. Use it twice daily for 6-12 months regularly for better results.


This product is not a medicine and not intended to treat or cure any disease. Please consult your healthcare professional.