KEVA URIC ACID CONTROL TABLET If you produce too much uric acid or your kidneys do not filter enough out, it can build up and cause tiny, sharp crystals to form in and around your joints. Uric acid is a waste product created by the body when it breaks down purines. Although it is naturally present in small amounts‚ excessively high levels of uric acid can lead to gout‚ a painful condition involving inflammation in one or more joints. Keva Uric Acid is enriched with the goodness of selected natural herbs which helps in maintaining healthy uric acid level in the body.


If you produce too much uric acid or your kidneys do not filter enough out, it can build up and cause tiny, sharp crystals to form in and around your joints.

Uric acid is a waste product created by the body when it breaks down purines. Although it is naturally present in small amounts‚ excessively high levels of uric acid can lead to gout‚ a painful condition involving inflammation in one or more joints.

Keva Uric Acid is enriched with the goodness of selected natural herbs which helps in maintaining healthy uric acid level in the body.

Keva Uric Acid is a natural formula using a unique herbal blend to detoxify the body and maintain healthy uric acid levels. It may help to control the uric acid levels in the body, detoxify the body by flushing out uric acid by the kidney, manage joint pain and enhance energy level of the body. It contains Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which may help in Cellular Protection and prevent gout and arthritis. This super formula can be helpful to reduce swelling and pain associated with uric acid build-up and gouty arthritis.

Keva Uric Acid tablets are a natural, effective treatment for gout and high uric acid levels. These tablets work to reduce uric acid levels in the body while also alleviating the pain and agony of gout. Whether you're seeking for a natural alternative to typical gout treatments or want to help your body maintain healthy uric acid levels, Keva Uric Acid tablets are an excellent solution. It contains a blend of herbs known for their ability to lower uric acid.

Keva Uric Acid tablets may help to improve wellbeing by minimising the development of protein crystals in the joints and nourishing muscles, making them more elastic and allowing for easier mobility and flexibility.



•             Balances levels of uric acid in the body.

•             Detoxifies Uric acid through kidneys.

•             Reduces swelling and pain.

•             Acts as anti-inflammatory.

•             Breaks down uric acid crystals.

•             Reduces pain during an attack, and can reduce the uric acid build up that causes the condition

•             Promotes the excretion of urine

•             Relieves joint pain in case of arthritis

•             Helps to stop the formation of crystals in the body



•             Guduchi

•             Punarnava

•             Gokharu

•             Neem chhal

•             Vasaka

•             Erand



Take 1 Tablet in morning and 1 Tablet in evening half an hour before meal.

Use twice daily for 6-12 months regularly for better results.